The Sacred Magic


Abramelin the Mage

Book II

Translated by

S.L. Mac Gregor Mathers













THE Wisdom of the Lord is an inexhaustible fountain, neither hath there ever been a man born who could penetrate its veritable origin and foundation. The Sages and Holy Fathers have drunk long draughts thereof, and have been fully satisfied therewith. But with all this, not one among them hath been able to comprehend or know the Radical Principles, because the Creator of all things reserveth that unto Himself; and, like a jealous God, He hath indeed wished that we should enjoy the fruit thereof, but He hath not wished to permit us to touch either the Tree or its Root. It is then not only proper, but further also we are compelled to conform ourselves unto the Will of the Lord, walking in that Path, by the which also our predecessors went, without seeking out through a vain curiosity how it is that God reigneth and governeth in His Divine Wisdom; because such would be a very great presumption and a bestial conceit. Let us then content ourselves with only knowing how many blessings He hath granted unto us Sinners, and what extent of power He hath given unto us mortals over all things, and in what way it is permitted unto us to use them. Let us then content ourselves with this, laying aside all other, curiosity, observing without any comment that which shall be set down in this Book with fidelity. And if ye do follow my advice, ye shall be infallibly comforted thereby.




what and how many be the forms of veritable magic.

WHOSO should wish to recount all the Arts and Operations which in our times be reputed and preached abroad as Wisdom and Magical Secrets; he should as well undertake to count the waves and the sands of the Sea; seeing that the matter hath come to such a pass that every trick of a buffoon is believed to be Magic, that all the abominations of impious Enchanters, all Diabolical Illusions, all Pagan Idolatries, all Superstitions, Fascinations, Diabolical Pacts, and lastly all that the gross blindness of the World can touch with its bands and feet is reckoned as Wisdom and Magic! The Physician, the Astrologer, the Enchanter, the Sorceress, the Idolater, and the Sacrilegious, is called of the common People a Magician! Also he who draweth his Magic whether from the Sun, whether from the Moon, whether from the Evil Spirits, whether from Stones, Herbs, Animals, Brutes, or lastly from thousand divers sources, so that the Heaven itself is astonished thereat. There be certain who draw their Magic from Air, from Earth, from Fire, from Water, from Physiognomy, from the Hand, from Mirrors, from Glasses, from Birds, from Bread, from Wine, and even from the very excrements themselves; and yet, however, all this is reputed as Science! I exhort you, ye who read, to have the Fear of God, and to study Justice, because infallibly unto you shall be opened the Gate of the True Wisdom which God gave unto Noah and unto his descendants Japhet, Abraham, and Ishmael; and it was His Wisdom that delivered Lot from the burning of Sodom. Moses learned the same Wisdom in the desert, from the Burning Bush, and he taught it unto Aaron his brother. Joseph, Samuel, David, Solomon, Elijah, and the Apostles, and Saint John particularly (from whom we hold a most excellent book of Prophecy) possessed it. Let every one then know that this, this which I teach, is that same Wisdom and Magic, and which is in this same Book, and independent of any other Science, or Wisdom, or Magic, soever. It is, however, certainly true that these miraculous operations have much in common with the Qabalah; it is also true that there be other Arts which have some stamp of Wisdom; the which alone would be nothing worth were they not mingled with the foundation of the Sacred Ministry, whence later arose the Mixed Qabalah. The Arts are principally twelve. Four in number, 3, 5, 7, 9, among the numbers in the Mixed Qabalah. The second is the most perfect one, the which operateth by Sign and Visions. Two of the even numbers, namely 6 and 2, which operate with the Stars and the Celestial Courses which we call Astronomy. Three consisteth in the Metals, and 2 in the Planets.

As to all these Arts, the which be conjoined and mingled togetherwith the Sacred Qabalah; both he who maketh use of these same, either alone, or mingled with other things which be in no way from the Qabalah; and he who seeketh to exercise himself in performing operations with these Arts; is alike liable to be deceived by the Demon; seeing that of themselves they possess no other virtue than a natural property; and they can produce no other thing than probable effects, and they have absolutely no power in spiritual and supernatural things; but if, however, on certain occasions they cause you to behold any extraordinary effect, such is only produced by impious and diabolical Pacts and Conjurations, the which form of Science ought to be called Sorcery.

Finally, let us conclude that from the Divine Mystery are derived these three kinds of Qabalah, viz.: the Mixed Qabalah, and the True Wisdom, and the (True) Magic. We will, therefore, show forth this last, and the manner of becoming its possessors in the Name of God and of His Celestial Court!


what we should consider before undertaking this


WE have already said what is the Science which I am to teach you, that is to say, that it is neither in any way human nor diabolical, but (that it is) the True and Divine Wisdom and Magic, which has been handed down by our predecessors unto their successors as a hereditary treasure. In like manner as I myself at present, so even should ye think, before entering into this matter, and before taking possession of so great a treasure, how much this Gift is sublime and precious, and how vile and base are ye yourselves who be about to receive it. This is wherefore I say unto ye that the beginning of this Wisdom is the Fear of God and of justice. These be the Tables of the Law, the Qabalah, and the Magic; they should serve unto ye for a rule. It is necessary that ye should begin to attach yourselves unto the very beginning, if ye truly do wish to have the Veritable Wisdom; and thus shall ye walk in the right Path, and be able to work; all the which is contained in this Book, and all the which is therein prescribed. For to undertake this Operation with the simple intention of using it unto dishonest, impious, and wicked ends, is neither just nor reasonable; for it is absolutely necessary to perform this Operation unto the praise, honour, and glory of God; unto the use, health, and well-being of your neighbour, whether friend or enemy; and generally for that of the whole earth. Furthermore, it is also necessary to take into consideration other matters, which though less important be still necessary; namely, whether ye be capable, not only of commencing, but also of carrying through the Operation unto its end; this being a necessary point to consider before coming unto a final determination upon the matter; because in this case we are not negotiating with men, but with God, by the intermediation of His Holy Angels, and with all Spirits, both good and evil.

I am not here intending to play the Saint and Hypocrite, but it is necessary to have a true and loyal heart. Ye have here to do with the Lord, Who not only beholdeth the outer man, but Who also penetrateth the inmost recesses of the heart. But having taken a true, firm, and determined resolution, relying upon the Will of the Lord, ye shall arrive at your desired end, and shall encounter no difficulty. Often also man is changeable, and while beginning a thing well, finisheth it badly, being in no way firm and stable in resolution. Ponder the matter then well before commencing, and only begin this Operation with the firm intention of carrying it out unto the end, for no man can make a mock of the Lord with impunity. Furthermore it is likewise necessary to think and consider whether your goods and revenue be sufficient for this matter; and, further, whether if your quality or estate be subject unto others, ye may have time and convenience to undertake it; also whether wife or children may hinder you herein; these being all matters worthy of observation, so as not to commence the matter blindly.

The chief thing that ye should consider is whether ye be in good health, because the body being feeble and unhealthy, it is subject to divers infirmities, whence at length result impatience and want of power to operate and pursue the Operation; and a sick man can neither be clean and pure, nor enjoy solitude; and in such a case it is better to cease.

Consider then the safety of your person, commencing this Operation in a place of safety, whence neither enemies nor any disgrace can drive you out before the end because ye must finish where ye begin. But the first part of this chapter is the most important, and see that ye keep well in mind the necessity of observing the same, because as regardeth the other disadvantages, they may perhaps be remedied. And be ye sure that God doth aid all those who put their confidence in Him and in His Wisdom, and such as wish to live rightly, making use with honour of the deceitful world, which ye shall hold in abomination, and see that ye make no account of its opinion when ye shall be arrived at the perfection of the work, and that ye shall be possessors of this Sacred Magic.


of the age and quality of the person who wisheth to

undertake this operation.

IN order to describe the aforesaid and other considerations in the best possible manner; I will here make a general recapitulation; mentioning also first what may bring hindrance unto the matter. It is, then, necessary that such a man give himself up unto a tranquil life, and that his habits be temperate; that he should love retirement; that he should be given neither unto avarice nor usury (that he should be the legitimate child of his parents is a good thing, but not as necessary as for the Qabalah, unto which no man born of a clandestine marriage can attain); his age ought not to be less than twenty-five years nor more than fifty; he should have no hereditary disease, such as virulent leprosy; whether he be free or married importeth little; a valet, lackey, or other domestic servant, can with difficulty arrive at the end required, being bound unto others and not having the conveniences at disposal which are necessary, and which this Operation demandeth. Among women, there be only Virgins who are suitable; but I strongly advise that so important a matter should not be communicated to them, because of the accidents that they might cause by their curiosity and love of talk.


that the greater number of magical books are false and


ALL the Books which treat of Characters, Extravagant Figures, Circles, Convocations, Conjurations, Invocations, and other like matters, even although any one may see some effect thereby, should be rejected, being works full of Diabolical Inventions; and ye should know that the Demon maketh use of an infinitude of methods to entrap and deceive mankind. This I have myself proved, because when I have operated with the Veritable Wisdom, all the other enchantments which I had learned have ceased, and I could no longer operate with them, and I made a very careful trial of those which I had learned with the Rabbin Moses; the cause of which is that the deceit and fraud of the Demon can never appear where the Divine Wisdom is. Furthermore, the most certain mark of their falsity is the election of certain days; since there be those which God hath expressly commanded to sanctify, we can freely operate on all other days, and at all times. And whenever ye shall see tables which do mark the days and their differences, the Celestial Signs, and other like matters, pay no attention thereto, because herein is a very great sin hidden, and a deceit of the Demon; it being one of his many methods of endeavouring to confound the True Wisdom of the Lord with evil matters. Because this True Wisdom of the Lord can operate and perform its effects every day, and at any moment and second. The Gates of His Grace are daily open, He wisheth, and it is pleasing unto Him to aid us, as well on this day as on the morrow; and in no way could it be true that He desireth to be subjected to the day and hour which men would wish to prescribe for Him; seeing that He is the Master to elect such days as He Himself wisheth, and also may they be sanctified! Flee also all such Books as those whose Conjurations include extravagant, inexplicable, and unheard-of words, and which be impossible to understand, and which be truly the inventions of the Devil and of wicked men.

It is well also to recall that which I have said in the First Book, viz., that in the greater part of their Conjurations there was not the slightest mention made of God Almighty, but only of Invocations of the Devil, together with very obscure Chaldean words. Surely it would be a rash thing of a man who should deal with God by the intermediary of His Holy Angels, to think that he ought to address Him in a jargon, neither knowing what he saith nor what he demandeth. Is it not an act of madness to wish to offend God and His Holy Angels! Let us then walk in the right way, let us speak before God with heart and mouth alike opened, in our own maternal language, since how can ye pretend to obtain any Grace from the Lord, if ye yourselves know not what ye ask? Yet, however, the number of those who lose themselves utterly in this vanity is infinite; many say that the Grecian language is more agreeable unto God, it may be true that it was perhaps at one time, but how many among us to-day understand it perfectly, this is the reason why it would be the most senseless thing to employ it.

I repeat then:– Let each one speak his own language, because thus understanding what it is that ye are demanding of the Lord, ye will obtain all Grace. And if ye demand a thing which is unjust, it will be refused unto you, and ye will never obtain it.


that in this operation it is not necessary to regard the

time, nor the day, nor the hours.

THERE be no other days (to be observed) than those which God hath ordained unto our Fathers, viz., All Saturdays, which be the days of the Sabbath; Passover; and the of Tabernacles; of which the former is the Fifteenth Day of the First of our Months, and the latter (beginneth on) the Fifteenth Day of the Seventh Month. Now for this Operation, any person of whatever Law he may be, provided that he confesseth that there is One God, may observe these feasts. However, the true time of commencing this Operation is the first day after the Celebration of the Feasts of Easter, and this was ordained unto Noah, being the most convenient time, and the end falleth just at the (Feast of ) Tabernacles.

Our predecessors have thus observed it, and the Angel also hath approved it; and also it is more advisable to follow good counsel and example, than to be obstinate and follow one’s own caprice; and also to treat the election of a particular day as a Pagan idea, paying no regard. whatever either to Time nor to the Elements; but only (having respect) unto Him Who granteth such a period. Thus then will we be found men in the fittest condition of Grace and reconciled with God, and purer than at another period; and this being an essential point ye ought well to consider the same. It is, however, quite true that the Elements and the Constellations do perform of themselves certain operations but this is to be understood of natural things, as it happeneth that one day is different unto another; but such a difference hath not operation in things Spiritual and Supernatural, being thus useless for (higher) Magical Operations. The Election of Days is still more useless, the Election of Hours and Minutes whereof the ignorant make so much, is further a very great error.

Wherefore I have resolved to write this particular chapter, in order that this error might appear more plainly evident unto him who readeth it, and that he may draw profit therefrom so as to operate with judgment.


concerning the planetary hours and other errors of the


IT is true that the Wise in Astrology do write of the Stars and of their movements, and that these attaining thereto do produce divers effects in inferior and elemental things; and such are, as we have already said, natural operations of the Elements; but that they should have power over the Spirits, or force in all supernatural things, that is not, neither can ever be. But it will instead be found that by the permission of the Great God it is the Spirits who govern the firmament. What foolishness then would it be to implore the favour of the Sun, of the Moon, and of the Stars, when the object would be to have converse with Angels and with Spirits. Would it not be an extravagant idea to demand from the wild beasts the permission to go hunting? But what else is it, when they have elected a certain day, when they have divided it up into many false divisions such as hours, minutes, etc. "Here," they say, "we have the Planetary Hours, and the Planet appropriate to each Hour." O what Planets! O what fine order! Tell me, I pray you, what advantage you get by this division. You will reply: "A very great one, because it shows us in all things, either good or bad fortune!" I tell you, and I repeat absolutely, that this is in no way true; that they produce thus a change of the time and of the Air, I in part concede; but do me the grace to tell me how ye do divide the Planetary Hours. I know that ye begin the first hour of the day with the Planet which itself giveth the name unto the day, as Sunday is ascribed to the Sun, Monday to the Moon, Tuesday to Mars, Wednesday to Mercury, Thursday to Jupiter, Friday to Venus, and Saturday to Saturn; then ye divide the length of the Day into twelve equal portions which ye call Hours, and to each Hour ye assign its planet; and ye do the same thing with the Night, according to whether the days be long or short. Thus do the Hours become long or short. As for example, suppose that on a Sunday the Sun riseth at 7 o'clock and setteth at 5 o'clock in the evening, its course will be ten Hours, the which ye divide up into twelve equal parts, so that each Hour is of fifty minutes length. I say, therefore, that the first Planetary Hour is of the Sun, and is fifty minutes long; that the second is of Venus; the third of Mercury; and so on of the others; at last the eighth Hour returneth unto the Sun; the ninth unto Venus; the tenth unto Mercury; and so the Day finisheth. Then cometh the Night, which is longer, that is to say, fourteen Hours, and each Planetary Hour of this Night will be seventy minutes, and in order to continue the regular succession as we have begun, the first Hour of the Night will be of Jupiter; the second of Mars; the third of the Sun; and so on until Monday, whose first Hour will be(according to this rule) of the Moon. Now tell me, I pray you, doth it always happen that when the Day of Monday commenceth, that is to say, when the Sun riseth in its horizon, that the Moon riseth also together with him, and that she setteth also together with him? They cannot answer this. Wherefore then do they apportion unto the second day of the week and unto its first hour the Moon? They can tell you no reason, except a likeness to the name (of the Day).

O! how gross an error! Hear and tell me when it is that a Planet hath the greatest force in the Elements; whether when it is above or when it is below your Horizon or Hemisphere? We must however avow that it is more powerful when it is above, because being below it hath no power save according unto the Will of God. Why then, even further than this, should we attribute unto a Planet a Day and Hour, if during the whole period of such Day it appeareth not above the Horizon!

Abramelin as a most excellent Master in natural things taught unto me a very different form of classification (which also well examine, and see whether it be not more surely founded than the aforesaid rule of the Astrologers), and made me to comprehend what should be the true Planetary Hours. When the Planet beginneth to appear upon the Horizon then doth it Day begin (whether it be Light or Dark, Black or White), and until it bath passed its elevation its Day lasteth until it riseth anew, and after that it hath set its Night endureth; so that as well in the Days of the Sun as in those of the Moon and of the others, the Days of all the Planets be mingled, only that one commenceth sooner than another, according to which nature they be mingled together in the Celestial Signs. Now it is requisite that I should tell unto you what be the Planetary Hours! Know then that each Planet hath only an hour during the which it is very powerful, being over you and above your head, that is to say when it is in the Meridian. Then, naturally, will sometimes arrive the Hours of two Planets together and beginning at the same moment; they then produce an effect according unto the nature, quality, and complexion of these stars.

But all this only hath power in natural things. Here have I declared and proved unto you the errors of the (common) Astrologers; keep yourselves carefully from the insensate follies of their Days and Hours, because if ye make use of these as do the false Magicians and Enchanters, God will chastise you; and in order to chastise you will pay but little attention unto the awaiting of the Hour of Saturn or of Mars.

I therefore now conclude this chapter, having sufficiently treated of the false and useless method employed by the Astrologers in the Election of Days and of Hours.


regarding what it is necessary to accomplish during the

first two moons of the beginning of this veritable and

sacred magic.

HE who commenceth this Operation should consider with care that which we have before said, and should pay attention unto that which followeth; and the thing being of importance, I shall leave alone for the present all other considerations, so that we may begin with the Operation which we should perform on the first morning after the celebration of the Feast of Easter (or Passover).

Firstly: Having carefully washed one’s whole body and having put on fresh clothing: precisely a quarter of an hour before Sunrise ye shall enter into your Oratory, open the window, and place yourselves upon your knees before the Altar, turning your faces towards the window; and devoutly and with boldness ye shall invoke the Name of the Lord, thanking Him for all the grace which He hath given and granted unto you from your infancy until now; then with humility shall ye humble yourselves unto Him, and confess unto Hirn entirely all your sins; supplicating Him to be willing to pardon you and remit them. Ye shall also supplicate Him that in the time to come He may be willing and pleased to regard you with pity and grant you His grace and goodness to send unto you His Holy Angel, who shall serve unto you as a Guide, and lead you ever in His Holy Way and Will; so that ye fall not into sin through inadvertence, through ignorance, or through human frailty.

In this manner shall ye commence your Oration, and continue thus every morning during the first two Moons or Months. Meseemeth here that now some may say: "Wherefore dost thou not write down the words or form of prayer the which I should employ, seeing that, as for me, I am neither sufficiently learned, nor devout, nor wise?"

Know ye that although in the beginning your prayer be but feeble, it will suffice, provided that ye understand how to demand the Grace of the Lordwith love and a true heart, whence it must be that such a prayer cometh forth. Also it serveth nothing to speak without devotion, without attention, and without intelligence; nor yet to pronounce it with the mouth alone, without a true intent; nor yet to read it as do the ignorant and the impious. But it is absolutely necessary that your prayer should issue from the midst of your heart, because simply setting down prayers in writing, the hearing of them will in no way explain unto you how really to pray.

This is the reason that I have not wished to give unto you any special form of prayers and orations, so that ye yourselves may learn from and of yourselves how to pray, and how to invoke the Holy Name of God, our Lord; and for that reason I have not been willing that ye should rely upon me in order to pray. Ye have the Holy and Sacred Scripture, the which is filled with very beautiful and potent prayers and actions of grace. Study then herein, and learn herefrom, and ye shall have no lack of instructions how to pray with fruit. And although in the commencement your prayer may be weak, it sufficeth that your heart be true and loyal towards God, Who little by little will kindle in you His Holy Spirit, Who will so teach you and enlighten your Spirit, that ye shall both know and have the power to pray.

When ye shall have performed your orations, close the window, and go forth from the Oratory; so that no one may be able therein to enter; and ye shall not yourselves enter again until the evening when the Sun shall be set.

Then shall ye enter therein afresh, and shall perform your prayers in the same manner as in the morning.

For the rest, ye shall govern yourselves each day as I shall tell you in the following instructions.

Concerning the Bed Chamber and the Oratory, and how they should be arranged, I will tell hereafter in the Eleventh Chapter.

It is requisite that ye shall have a Bed Chamber near the Oratory or else your ordinary habitation, which it is necessary first to thoroughly clean out and perfume, and see that the Bed be both new and clean. Your whole attention must be given to purity in all things; because the Lord hath in abomination all that is impure. You shall sleep in this said Chamber, and you shall continue therein during the day, there transacting the matters which belong unto your business; and those which you can dispense with, leave alone. You may sleep with your Wife in the bed when she is pure and clean; but when she hath her monthly courses you shall not allow her to enter the bed, nor even the Chamber. Every Sabbatheve it is necessary to change the sheets of the bed, and all the linen. Every Saturday you shall perfume the Chamber. And ye shall not allow any dog, cat, or other animal to enter into nor dwell therein; so that they may in no way be able to render it unclean. As regardeth the matrimonial obligation, it is chastity, and the duty that of engendering children; but the whole should be done in the Fear of God, and, above all things, in such case see that your Wife be not impure. But during the following four Moons ye shall flee sexual intercourse as ye would the Plague.

Even if ye have children, endeavour to send them away unto another place before (commencing the Operation), so that they may not be an hindrance from being about you; except the eldest-born of the family, and infants at the breast.

As regardeth the regimen of your life and actions, ye shall have regard unto your status and condition. If you be your own Master, as far as lieth in your power, free yourself from all your business, and quit all mundane and vain company and conversation; leading a life tranquil, solitary and honest. If aforetime you have been a wicked, debauched, avaricious, luxurious and proud man, leave and flee from all these Vices. Consider that this was one of the principal reasons why Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, John, and other holy men retired into desert places, until that they had acquired this Holy Science and Magic; because where there are many people, many scandals do arise; and where scandal is, Sin cometh; the which at length offendeth and driveth away the Angel of God, and the Way which leadeth unto Wisdom becometh closed unto ye. Fly as far as you can the conversation of men, and especially of such as in the past have been the companions of your debauches; or who have led you into sin. Ye shall therefore seek retirement as far as possible; until that ye shall have received that Grace of the Lord which ye ask. But a Domestic Servant who is compelled to serve a Master cannot well have these conveniences (for working and performing the Operation).

Take well heed in treating of business, in selling or buying, that it shall be requisite that you never give way unto anger, but be modest and patient in your actions.

You shall set apart two hours each day after having dined, during the which you shall read with care the Holy Scripture and other Holy Books, because they will teach you to be good at praying, and how to fear the Lord; and thus day by day shall ye better know your Creator. The other exercises which be free and permitted unto you, are hereafter set forth and principally in the Eleventh Chapter.

As for eating, drinking and sleeping, such should be in moderation an never superfluous. It is especially necessary to shun drunkenness, and flee public dinners. Content yourself with eating at your own house, with your family, in the peace and quiet which God hath granted unto you. You should never sleep during the day, but you may in the morning, for after that you have performed your devotions you may if you wish again go to bed to rest yourself. And if it happeneth by chance that you do not rise sufficiently early, that is to say before sunrise, it doth not greatly matter (provided that it be not done of evil intent), and you shall perform your ordinary morning prayer; but you should not accustom yourself to be slothful, it being always better to pray unto God at an early hour.

concerning clothing and family.

Your dress should be clean but moderate, and according to custom. Flee all vanity. You shall have two dresses, in order that you may be able to change them; and you shall change them the eve of each Sabbath, wearing the one one week, and the other the next brushing and perfuming them always beforehand.

As for that which regardeth the family, the fewer in number, the better; also act so that the servants may be modest and tranquil. All these pieces of advice be principal points which it is well to observe. As for the rest, you haveonly to keep before your eyes the Tables of the Law during all this time, and also afterwards; because these Tables should be the rule of your life.

Let your hand be ever ready to give alms and other benefits to your neighbour; and let your heart be ever open unto the poor, whom God so loveth that one cannot express the same.

And in the case that during this period you should be attacked by some illness, which would not permit you to go unto the Oratory, this need not oblige you to abandon your enterprise at once; but you should govern yourself to the best of your ability; and in such case you shall perform your orations in your bed, entreating God to restore you to health, so that you may be enabled to continue your undertaking, and make the sacrifices which be due, and so with the greater strength be able to work to obtain His Wisdom.

And this is all that we should do and observe during these two Moons.


concerning the two second moons.

THE two first Moons being finished; the two second Moons follow, during the which ye shall make your prayer, morning and evening at the hour accustomed; but before entering into the Oratory ye shall wash your hands and face thoroughly with pure water. And you shall prolong your prayer with the greatest possible affection, devotion and submission; humbly entreating the Lord God that He would deign to command His Holy Angels to lead you in the True Way, and Wisdom, and Knowledge, by studying the which assiduously in the Sacred Writings there will arise more and more (Wisdom) in your heart.

The use of the rights of Marriage is permitted, but should scarcely if at all be made use of (during this period). You shall also wash your whole body every Sabbath Eve.

As to what regardeth commerce and manner of living, I have already given unto you sufficient instruction.

Only it is absolutely necessary to retire from the world and seek retreat;and ye shall lengthen your prayers to the utmost of your ability. As for eating, drinking and clothing, ye shall govern yourselves in exactly the same manner as in the two first Moons; except that ye shall fast (the Qabalistical fast) every Sabbath Eve.

Note Well: The Sabbath is for the Jews, who are accustomed to observe the same every Saturday, but for Christians the Sabbath is the Sunday, and they ought to consider the Saturday as its Eve.


concerning the two last moons which must be thus


MORNING and Noon ye shall wash your hands and your face on entering the Oratory; and firstly ye shall make Confession of all your sins; after this, with a very ardent prayer, ye shall entreat the Lord to accord unto you this particular grace, which is, that you may enjoy and be able to endure the presence and conversation of His Holy Angels, and that He may deign by their intermission to grant unto you the Secret Wisdom, so that you may be able to have dominion over the Spirits and over all creatures.

Ye shall do this same at midday before dining, and also in the evening; so that during these two last Moons ye shall perform the prayer three times a day, and during this time ye shall ever keep the Perfume upon the Altar. Also towards the end of your Oration, ye shall pray unto the Holy Angels, supplicating them to bear your sacrifice before the Face of God, in order to intercede for you, and that they shall assist you in all your operations during these two Moons.

The man who is his own master shall leave all business alone, except works of charity towards his neighbour. You shall shun all society except that of your Wife and of your Servants. Ye shall employ the greatest part of your time in speaking of the Law of God, and in reading such works as treat wisely thereof; so that your eyes may be opened unto that which from past time even unto the present ye have not as yet seen, nor thought of, nor believed.

Every Sabbath Eve shall ye fast, and wash your whole body, and change your garment.

Furthermore, ye shall have a Vest and Tunic of linen, which ye shall put on every time that ye enter into the Oratory, before ye commence to put the Perfume in the Censer, as I shall tell ye more fully hereafter.

Also ye shall have a basket or other convenient vessel of copper filled with Charcoal to put inside the Censer when necessary, and which ye can take outside the Oratory, because the Censer itself should never be taken away from the place. Note well that after having performed your prayer, you ought to take it out of the Oratory, especially during the Two last Moons, and ye should inter it in a place which cannot well be made unclean, such as a garden.


concerning what things a man may learn and study during

these two moons.

ALTHOUGH the best counsel which I can give is that a man should gointo retirement in some desert or solitude, until the time of the Six Moons destined unto this Operation be fulfilled, and that he shall have obtained that which he wisheth; as the Ancients used to do; nevertheless now this is hardly possible; and we must accommodate ourselves unto the era (in which we live); and being unable to carry it out in one way, we shouldendeavour to do so in another; and attach ourselves only unto Divine Things. But there be certain who cannot even do this thoroughly, notwithstanding they may honestly wish the same; and this because of their divers employments and positions which will not permit them to act in accordance with their desires, so that they are compelled to carry on their worldly occupations.

In order then that such may know what occupations and business they can follow out without prejudice to this Operation, I will here state the same in few words.

We may then exercise the profession of Medicine, and all arts connected with the same; and we may perform all operations which tend unto charity and mercy towards our neighbour purely and simply. As for what concerneth the liberal arts ye may interest yourselves in Astronomy, etc., but flee all arts and operations which have the least tincture of Magic and Sorcery, seeing that we must not confound together God and Belial: God wisheth to be alone; unto Him pertain all honour and glory. All the above matters are however permitted during the two first and the two second Moons.

You may walk in a garden for recreation; but you shall do no servile work; and amidst the flowers and the fruits you can also meditate upon the greatnessof God. But during the two third and last Moons ye shall quit every other matter only permitting your recreation to consist in things Spiritual and Divine. If ye wish to be participators in the Conversation of the Angels, and in the Divine Wisdom, lay aside all indiscreet things, and regard it as a pleasure when ye can spare two or three hours to study the Holy Scripture, because hencefrom ye shall derive incredible profit; and even the less ye are learned, so much the more will ye become wise and clever. It sufficeth that in the performance of your Orisons ye shall not give way unto sleep, and that ye shall fail in nowise in this operation through negligence and voluntarily.


concerning the selection of the place.

WE should make the Selection of the Place (for the Operation) before commencing it, and prior to the celebration of the Passover, in order that we may decide upon the same without hindrance, and it is necessary that all things should be prepared.

He who commenceth this Operation in solitude can elect a place according unto his pleasure; where there is a small wood, in the midst of which you shall make a small Altar, and you shall cover the same with a hut (or shelter) of fine branches, so that the rain may not fall thereon and extinguish the Lamp and the Censer. Around the Altar at the distance of seven paces you shall prepare a hedge of flowers, plants, and green shrubs, so that it may divide the entrance into two parts; that is to say, the Interior where the Altar and Tabernacle will be placed after the manner of a Temple; and the part Exterior, which with the rest of the place will be as a Portico thereunto.

Now if you commence not this Operation in the Country, but perform it in a Town, or in some dwellingplace, I will show unto ye what shall be necessary herein.

Ye shall choose an Apartment which hath a Window, joined unto the which shall be an uncovered Terrace (or Balcony), and a Lodge (or small room or hut) covered with a roof, but so that there may be on every side windows whence you may be able to see in every direction, and whence you may enter into the Oratory. In the which place the Evil Spirits shall be able to appear, since they cannot appear within the Oratory itself In the which place, beside the Oratory towards the quarter of the North, you shall have a rooted or covered Lodge, in the which and from whence one may be able to see the Oratory. I myself also had two large windows made in my Oratory, and at the time of the Convocation of the Spirits, I used to open them and remove both the shutters and the door, so that I could easily see on every side and constrain them to obey me.

The Oratory should always be clear and clean swept, and the flooring should be of wood, of white pine; in fine, this place should be so well and carefully prepared, that one may judge it to be a place destined unto prayer.

The Terrace and the contiguous Lodge where we are to invoke the Spirits we should cover with river sand to the depth of two fingers at the least.

The Altar should be erected in the midst of the Oratory; and if any one maketh his Oratory in desert places, he should build it of stones which have never been worked or hewn, or even touched by the hammer.

The Chamber should be boarded with pine wood, and a Lamp full of Oil Olive should be suspended therein, the which every time that ye shall have burned your perfume and finished your orison, ye shall extinguish. A handsome Censer of bronze, or of silver if one hath the means, must be placed upon the Altar, the which should in no wise be removed from its place until the Operation be finished, if one performeth it in a dwelling-house; for in the open country one cannot do this. Thus in this point as in all the others, we should rule and govern ourselves according unto the means at our disposal.

The Altar, which should be made of wood, ought to be hollow within after the manner of a cupboard, wherein you shall keep all the necessary things, such as the two Robes, the Crown or Mitre, the Wand, the Holy Oils, the Girdle or Belt, the Perfume; and any other things which may be necessary.

The second habiliments will be a Shirt or Tunic of linen, large and white, with well and properly made sleeves. The other Robe will be of Crimson or Scarlet Silk with Gold, and it should not be longer than just unto the knees, with sleeves of similar stuff. As for these vestments, there is no particular rule for them; nor any especial instructions to be followed; but the more resplendent, clean, and brilliant they are the better will it be. You shall also make a Girdle of Silk of the same colour as the Tunic, wherewithal you shall be girded. You shall have upon your head a beautiful Crown or woven Fillet of Silk and Gold. You shall prepare the Sacred Oil in this manner: Take of myrrh in tears, one part; of fine cinnamon, two parts; of galangal, half a part; and the half of the total weight of these drugs of the best oil olive. The which aromatics you shall mix together according unto the Art of the Apothecary, and shall make thereof a Balsam, the which you shall keep in a glass vial which you shall put within the cupboard (formed by the interior) of the Altar. The Perfume shall be made thus: Take of Incense in tears one part; of Stacte half a part; of Lign Aloes a quarter of a part; and not being able to get this wood you shall take that of cedar, or of rose, or of citron, or any other odoriferous wood. You shall reduce all these ingredients into a very fine powder, mix them well together and keep the same in a box or other convenient vessel. As you will consume a great deal of this perfume, it will be advisable to mix enough on the eve of the Sabbath to last the whole week.

You shall also have a Wand of Almond-tree wood, smooth and straight, of the length of about from half an ell to six feet.

And ye shall keep the aforesaid things in good order in the cupboard of the Altar, ready for use in the proper time and place. Here followeth the manner of ordering oneself and of operating.


how one should keep oneself in order to carry out this

operation well.

HIS Operation being truly Divine, it is necessary once more to treat of and distinguish the present Consecration into different periods of time. You shall then understand that during the two first and two second Moons, no other Consecration must be performed, than that of which we have already spoken in the Seventh and Eighth foregoing Chapters, unto the which I refer you, so as not to be too prolix. And I only say unto you, that during the course of the two first and two second Moons, every Saturday when ye perform the Orison, ye shall also burn the Perfume as well in the morning as in the evening; and in the two third and last Moons ye shall make the Prayer and the Perfume thrice daily.

Now here hath the last part of the time arrived here therefore open ye your eyes and be attentive, and govern yourselves in everything and every place in the way which I have written unto you. Have confidence in God, because if even until then ye have faithfully observed mine instructions which I have given unto you, and if your Orisons shall have been made with a righteous heart and with devotion, there is no manner of doubt that all things will appear easy unto you, and your own spirit and your understanding will teach you the manner in which you should conduct yourself in all points; because your Guardian Angel is already about you, though Invisible, and conducteth and governeth your heart, so that you shall not err. The two Moons being finished, in the morning ye shall commence all that is commanded in the Ninth Chapter, and further observe this present Chapter.

When first ye shall enter into the Oratory, leave your shoes without, and having opened the window, ye shall place the lighted coals in the Censer which you shall have brought with you, you shall light the Lamp, and take from the Cupboard of the Altar your two Vestments, the Crown, the Girdle and the Wand, placing them upon the Altar. Then take the Sacred Oil in your left hand, cast some of the Perfume upon the Fire, and place yourself upon your knees, praying unto the Lord with fervour.

the orison


"O Lord God of Mercy; God, Patient, Most Benign and Liberal; Who grantest Thy Grace in a thousand ways, and unto a thousand generations; Who forgettest the iniquities, the sins, and the transgressions of men; in Whose Presence none is found innocent; Who visitest the transgressions of the father upon the children and nephews unto the third and fourth generation; I know my wretchedness, and that I am not worthy to appear before Thy Divine Majesty, nor even to implore and beseech Thy Goodness and Mercy for the least Grace. But, O Lord of Lords, the Source of Thy Bounty is so great, that of Itself It calleth those who are ashamed by reason of their sins and dare not approach, and inviteth them to drink of Thy Grace. Wherefore, O Lord my God, have pity upon me, and take away from me all iniquity and malice; cleanse my soul from all the uncleanness of sin; renew within me my Spirit, and comfort it, so that it may become strong and able to comprehend the Mystery of Thy Grace, and the Treasures of Thy Divine Wisdom. Sanctify me also with the Oil of Thy Sanctification, wherewith Thou hast sanctified all Thy Prophets; and purify in me therewith all that appertaineth unto me, so that I may become worthy of the Conversation of Thy Holy Angels and of Thy Divine Wisdom, and grant unto me the Power which Thou hast given unto Thy Prophets over all the Evil Spirits. Amen. Amen."

This is the Prayer which I myself made use of in my Consecration; the which I give not here to confine you (to a certain form), nor to oblige you to employ the same, nor to tell it you over as I would to a parrot whom I should wish to teach to talk; but only and solely to give unto you an idea of the manner in which we should pray.

Having finished your Orison, rise from your knees, and anoint the Centre of your forehead with a little of the Sacred Oil; after this dip your finger into the same Oil, and anoint therewith the four upper corners of the Altar. Touch also with this Holy Oil the Vestments, the Girdle, the Crown, and the Wand, on both sides. You shall also touch the Doors and the Windows of the Oratory. Then with your finger dipped in the Oil you shall write upon the four sides of the Altar these words, so that they may be perfectly clearly written on each side:–

"In whatever place it may be wherein Commemoration of My Name shall

be made, I will come unto you and I will bless you."

This being done the Consecration is finished, and then ye shall put the White Tunic and all the other things into the Cupboard of the Altar. Then kneel down and make your ordinary prayer, as is laid down in the Third Chapter; and be well ware to take no consecrated thing out of the Oratory; and during the whole of the ensuing period ye shall enter the Oratory and celebrate the Office with naked feet.


concerning the convocation of the good spirits.

WE are now arrived at a point at which ye shall be able to see clearly, having duly followed out and observed the instructions which I have given unto you, and having during all this time served God your Creator with a perfect heart. We are now arrived at the term, wherefore the following morning rise betimes, neither wash yourselves at all nor dress yourselves at all in your ordinary clothes; but take a Robe of Mourning; enter the Oratory with bare feet; go unto the side of the Censer, take the ashes therefrom and place them upon your head; light the Lamp; and put the hot coals into the Censer; and having opened the windows, return unto the door.

There prostrate yourself with your face against the ground, and order the Child to put the Perfume upon the Censer, after which he is to place himself upon his knees before the Altar; following in all things and throughout the instructions which I have given unto you in the last chapter of the First Book, to which I am here referring. Humiliate yourself before God and His Celestial Court, and commence your Prayer with fervour, for then it is that you will begin to enflame yourself in praying, and you will see appear an extraordinary and supernatural Splendour which will fill the whole apartment, and will surround you with an inexpressible odour, and this alone will console you and comfort your heart so that you shall call for ever happy the Day of the Lord. Also the Child will experience an admirable feeling of contentment in the presence of the Angel. And you shall continue always your Prayer redoubling your ardour and fervour, and shall pray the Holy Angel that he may deign to Sign, and write upon a small square plate of silver (which you shall have had made for this purpose and which you shall have placed upon the Altar) another Sign if you shall have need of it in order to see him; and everything which you are to do. As soon as the Angel shall have made the Sign by writing, and that he shall have written down some other counsel which may be necessary unto you, he will disappear, but the splendour will remain. The which the Child having observed, and made the sign thereof unto you, you shall command him to bring you quickly the little plate of silver, and that which you find written thereon you shall at once copy, and order the Child to replace it upon the Altar. Then you shall go forth from the Oratory and leave the Window open, and the Lamp alight, and during this whole day you shall not enter into the Oratory; but shall make preparation for the day following; and during the day you shall speak to none, nor make answer, even were it your own wife or children or servants; except to the Child whom you can send away. Also you shall beforehand have set your affairs in order, and so arrangedthem that no embarrassment may be caused you thereby, which might distract your attention. In the evening when the Sun shall be set, you shall eat but soberly; and then you shall go to rest alone; and you shall live separated from your wife during these days.

During Seven Days shall you perform the Ceremonies without failing therein in any way; namely, the Day of the Consecration, the Three Days of the Convocation of the Good and Holy Spirits, and the Three other Days of the Convocation of the Evil Spirits.

Now the second morning after, you are to be prepared to follow the counsel which the Angel will have given you. You will go early unto the Oratory, you will place the lighted charcoal and perfumes in the Censer, you are to relight the Lamp if it be (by that time) extinguished; and wearing the same Robe of Mourning as of the day before, prostrate with your face towards the ground, you shall humbly pray unto and supplicate the Lord that He may have pity on you, and that He may deign to fulfil your prayer; that He will grant unto you the vision of His Holy Angels, and that the Elect Spirits may deign to grant unto you their familiar converse. And thus shall ye pray unto the utmost degree that shall be possible unto you, and with the greatest fervour that you can bring into action from your heart, and this during the space of two or three hours. Then quit the Oratory, returning thither at midday for another hour, and equally again in the evening; then you shall eat after the manner aforesaid, and go to rest. Understand also that the odour and the splendour will in nowise quit the Oratory.

The third day being now arrived, you shall act thus. The evening (before) you shall wash your whole body thoroughly; and in the morning, being dressed in your ordinary garments, you shall enter into the Oratory, but with naked feet. Having placed the Fire and the Perfumes in the Censer, and lighted the Lamp, you shall put on the White Vestment, and place yourself on your knees before the Altar, to render thanks to God for all His benefits, and firstly for having granted unto you a Treasure so great and so precious. You shall render thanks also unto the Holy Guardian Angels, praying unto them that henceforward they will have you in their care for the whole period of your life; also that he will never abandon you, that he will lead you in the Way of the Lord, and that he will watch carefully over you to assist you, and consent unto the present Operation of the Sacred Magic, so that you shall have such Force and Virtue that you may be able to constrain the Spirits accursed of God, unto the Honour of your Creator, and for your own good and that of your neighbour.

And then shall you first be able to put to the test whether you shall have well employed the period of your Six Moons, and how well and worthily you shall have laboured in the quest of the Wisdom of the Lord; since you shall see your Guardian Angel appear unto you in unequalled beauty; who also will converse with you, and speak in words so full of affection and of goodness, and with such sweetness, that no human tongue could express the same. He will animate you unto your great content in the fear of God, making you a recital of the blessings which you have received from God; and bringing unto your remembrance the sins by which you have offended Him during the whole period of your life, will instruct you and give unto you the manner in which you shall be able to appease Him by a pure, devout, and regulated life, and by honest and meritorious actions, and such things as God shall ordain unto you.

After this he will show unto you the True Wisdom and Holy Magic, and also wherein you have erred in your Operation, and how thenceforward you should proceed in order to overcome the Evil Spirits, and finally arrive at your desired ends. He will promise never to abandon you, but to defend and assist you during the whole period of your life; on condition that you shall obey his commands, and that you shall not voluntarily offend your Creator. In one word, you shall be received by him with such affection that this description which I here give unto you shall appear a mere nothing in comparison.

Now at this point I commence to restrict myself in my writing, seeing that by the Grace of the Lord I have submitted and consigned you unto a Master so great that he will never let you err.

Observe that on the third day you should remain in familiar Conversation with your Guardian Angel. You should quit the Oratory for a short time in the afternoon, remaining without about an hour; then for the rest of the day you shall remain therein, receiving from the Holy Angel distinct and ample information regarding the Evil Spirits and the manner of bringing them into submission, carefully writing down and taking notes of all these matters. Now, the Sun being set, you shall perform the Evening Orison with the ordinary Perfume, giving thanks unto God in particular for the very great Grace that He hath granted unto you in that day, there also supplicating Him to be propitious unto you and to aid you during your whole life, so that you shall never be able to offend Him. You shall also render thanks unto your Guardian Angel and beseech him not to abandon you. The Prayer being finished you will see that the Splendour will disappear. Then shall you quit the Oratory, closing the door, but leaving the windows open and the Lamp alight.

You shall return as on the preceding days unto your apartment where you shall modestly recreate yourself, and eat your necessary food, then you shall go to rest until the following morning.


concerning the convocation of the spirits.

THOUGH the following advice may be scarcely necessary for the most part, since I have already explained unto you all things necessary to be done; and also seeing that your Guardian Angel will have sufficiently instructed you in all that you should do; yet nevertheless I will here declare plainly certain matters unto you, with the idea rather of making the account of the Operation complete in this Book, and also to give you every opportunity of possessing the matter thoroughly through reading these things many times; so that having received the Vision of the Angel, you may find yourself thoroughly instructed in all the essential points.

Having then reposed yourself during the night, you shall rise in the morning before dawn, and shall enter into the Oratory; and having placed the lighted Charcoal in the Censer, light the Lamp also. You shall then robe yourself, taking first the White Vestment, and over this you shall put on that, of Silk and Gold, then the Girdle, and upon your head you shall place the Crown, and you shall lay the Wand upon the Altar. Then, having put the Perfume in the Censer you shall fall upon your knees, and pray unto Almighty God to grant you the Grace to finish your Operation unto the Praise and Glory of His Holy Name, and for your own use and that of your neighbour.

Also you shall supplicate your Guardian Angel to aid you, and to govern your heart with his counsel, and all your senses. After this you shall take the Wand in your right hand, and pray unto God to give unto this Wand as much virtue, force, and power as He gave unto those of Moses, of Aaron, of Elijah, and of the other Prophets whose number is infinite. Now place yourself beside the Altar looking towards the Door and the open Terrace; or if you be in the Country place yourself at the Western side, and commence by summoning the Chief Spirits and Princes. But your Angel will already have instructed you how to convoke them, and will have sufficiently impressed it on your heart. And as well in this as in the Orison, we should never proceed and act by the mouth only or by written Conjurations alone; but with a free heart and intrepid courage; because it is certain that there is more difficulty in convoking the Evil Spirits than the Good, which latter usually appear more readily when they are first called if it be by persons of good intent; while the Evil Spirits flee as much as possible all occasion of submitting themselves to man. This is wherefore be who wisheth to constrain them should be upon his guard, and follow out faithfully from point to point the instructions which his Guardian Angel will have given him, and that he impresseth them well upon his memory following them from point to point; seeing that while no Spirit Good or Evil can know the secrets of your heart before you yourself bring the same to light, unless God Who alone knoweth all things should manifest them; they (the Spirits) nevertheless can penetrate into and understand that which you are thinking by means of your actions and your words.

This is the reason why he who wisheth properly to convoke and conjure the Spirits, should first well consider the following Conjuration; and afterward perform it with feeling and freely by heart; and not by writing, because in using that composed by others, the Spirits thence judge that we ourselves are ignorant, and render themselves straightway more intractable and stubborn.

The Evil Spirits be about you, though invisible, and they keenly examine whether he who conjureth them is courageous or timid, whether he is prudent, and whether he hath a true faith in God Who can perform all things with ease. We can constrain them (the Spirits), and force them to appear; but a few words ill pronounced by an ill-intentioned person only produce an effect against the person himself who ignorantly pronounceth them; and an individual of such a character should in no way undertake this Operation, for such would be the true way to make a mock of God and to tempt Him.

of the conjurations.

I have many times repeated unto you that the Fear of God is the principal subject of the instruction of your Guardian Angel, against which you should never commit any fault, even if it be but slight.

Firstly: You should perform the Conjuration in your mother tongue, or in a language that you well understand, and conjure the Spirits by the authority of and their obedience to the Holy Patriarchs, rehearsing unto them examples of their ruin and fall, of the sentence which God hath pronounced against them, and of their obligation unto servitude; and how on one side and on another they have been vanquished by the Good Angels and by Wise Men; all which points you will have had plenty of opportunity to study in the Sacred Writings during the Six Moons (of preparation). Also you shall menace them, in case they are unwilling to obey, with calling unto your aid the Power of the Holy Angels over them. Your Guardian Angel will also have instructed you to perform this Convocation with modesty, and in no wise to be timid, but courageous, yet in moderation, however, without too overbearing hardiness and bravery. And in case of their being inclined to resist, and unwilling to obey you, you must not on that account give way to anger, because thus you will only do injury to yourself; and they will ask nothing better, it being exactly what they would be endeavouring to do; but (on the contrary) with an intrepid heart, and putting your whole trust in God, with a tranquil heart you shall exhort them to yield, letting them see that you have put all yourconfidence in the Living and Only God, reminding them how powerful and potent He is; thus, therefore, govern yourself, using prudence towards them.

And communicate unto them also the Form in the which you wish them to appear; the which you can not determine, nor even themselves, but you ought the evening before to have demanded this from your Guardian Angel, who knoweth better than you your nature and constitution, and who understandeth the forms which can terrify you, and those of which you can support the sight.

And you must not think that this can be done otherwise, as certain Accursed Persons write; that is to say, by means of Seals, and Conjurations, and Superstitious Figures, and Pentacles, and other Abominations, written by Diabolical Enchanters; for this would be the coin wherewith the Hideous Satan would buy you for his slave. But let your whole trust be in the Arm, the Power, and the Force of God Almighty; then shall you be in all safety, and the Guard of your Angel will defend you from all dangers. This is why you should have good courage, and have confidence that no adversity can happen unto you. Observing then the doctrine that your Angel will have given unto you, and persevering in placing all your trust in God, at length they will appear in the form commanded upon the Terrace, upon the sand; when, according to the advice and doctrine received from your Holy Angel, and as I will clearly teach you in the following Chapter, you shall propound your demand, and you shall receive from them their oath.

The Spirits which we should convoke on the first day are the Four Superior Princes, whose Names will be written in the Nineteenth Chapter, and this is the Conjuration of the First Day.

the conjuration of the second day.

On the following day, having performed the ordinary Orison, and the aforesaid Ceremonies, you shall briefly repeat the aforesaid Conjuration unto the said Spirits, bringing to their remembrance their promises and Oaths made on the preceding day to send unto you the Eight Sub-Princes; and address the Conjuration unto all the Twelve together, and in a little while they will appear visibly, the Eight Sub-Princes in the form which hath been commanded them; and they will promise and swear unto you (allegiance), as will be more fully shown in the following Chapter.

The Names of the Eight Sub-Princes are described hereafter in the Nineteenth Chapter.

the conjuration of the third day.

The Conjuration of the Third Day is the same as that of the Second Day, seeing that we are then to remind the Eight Sub-Princes of their Promises andOaths (of Allegiance); and we are to call and convoke them with all their adherents, and then they do appear once more in visible forms, the whole particular cohorts of each will appear also invisibly, surrounding the Eight Sub-Princes. But while invoking God your Lord for strength and surety, and your Holy Angel for counsel and assistance, never forget what the latter will have taught you, for it is a necessary point. Here followeth the Fifteenth Chapter which teacheth what we should demand from the Spirits, who are divided into three classes.


concerning what you should demand of the spirits who are

divided into three different troops and convoked on three

separate days.

THE Demands we should make to the Spirits are of three different kinds.

the first demand.

The Demand of the First Day when the Four Superior Princes shall have visibly appeared, you shall make according unto the Order of the Angel:

Firstly: The Proposition by what Virtue, Power and Authority you make your demands unto them; that is to say by the Virtue of God our Lord Who hath made them subject unto all His creatures, and brought them to your feet.

Secondly: That your object is not at all a malign curiosity, but (one tending) unto the Honour and Glory of God, and to your own good and that of all the Human Race. That further, every time that you shall summon them, by whatever Sign or Word, and in whatever Time and Place, and for whatever occasion and service, they shall have to appear immediately without any delay, and obey your commands. And that in case they shall have some legitimate hindrance hereto, they are to send unto you some other Spirits assigning then and there such as shall be capable and potent to accomplish and obey your will and your demand in their place. And that they shall promise and swear to observe this by the most rigorous judgment of God, and by the most severe punishment and chastisement of the Holy Angels, inflicted upon them. And that they will consent to obey, and that the Four Sovereign Princes will name unto you the Eight Sub-Princes, whom they will send in their place to take the Oath as I have already said, to appear at once on the following morning when commanded by you; and that they will duly send the Eight Sub-Princes.

For greater certainty, quit the Altar now, and go towards the Door which openeth on to the Terrace, advancing your right hand beyond.

Make each one of them touch the Wand, and take the Oath upon that Wand.

the demand of the second day.

The Eight Sub-Princes being invoked, you shall make unto them the same demand and the same admonition which you have (already) made unto the Four Sovereign Princes. And further you shall request from these four, that is to say, from Oriens, Paimon, Ariton, and Amaimon; that each of them shall assign and consign unto you your Familiar Spirit, which from the day of your birth they are compelled to give unto you. These will be given and furnished unto you with their dependants and will afterwards obey you. It is for you to demand from these the other Spirits which you may wish to have; but seeing that they be infinite in number, and one more skilful in service than another, one for one matter, another for another; you shall make a selection of the Spirits whom you wish, and you shall put outside upon the Terrace a written list of their names for the Eight Sub-Princes (to see), and you shall require from these (latter) the Oath, as you did from the Four Superior Princes, that the following morning they shall have to appear before you together with all the Spirits whose names you shall have given in writing, and also your Familiar Spirits.

the demand of the third day.

The Eight Sub-Princes having presented all the Spirits as you have directed them, you shall command that Astarot with all his following shall appear visibly in the Form which the Angel shall have prescribed unto you; and immediately you shall see a Great Army, and all under the same Form.

You shall propound unto them the same demand, which you have already made unto the Princes, and you shall cause them to take Oath to observe the same; that is to say, that every time that you shall call one of them by his name, that he shall at once appear in such Form and Place as shall please you, and that he shall punctually execute that which you shall have commanded him. All having sworn, you shall put outside the entry of the Door, all the Signs of the Third Book which belong unto Astarot, alone, and make him swear thereon, also ordaining unto them that in cases when it may not seem fit unto you to command them verbally, that as soon as you shall take one of these Signs in your hand and move it from its place that the Spirit marked in the Sign shall do and execute that which the Sign beareth, and that which your intimation joined thereto shall indicate; also that in the case that in the Sign none of them shall be specially named, that all in general shall be obliged promptly and readily to perform the Operation commanded; and that if also in the time to come, other (Signs or) Symbols be made by you which be not here included, that then also they (the Spirits under Astarot) shall be equally bound to observe and execute them also. And when the Oath hath been taken, cause the Prince in the Name of the rest to touch the Wand.

After this, remove those Symbols from the Doorway; and call Magot, and after him Asmodee, and lastly Belzebud; and act with all these as you have done with Astarot; and all their Symbols having been sworn unto, put them aside in order in a certain place, so arranged that you can easily distinguish one from another, as regards the subject, operation, or effect, for which they have been made, and unto which they belong.

This being done, you shall call Astarot and Asmodee together, with their common Servitors, and shall propound unto them their Symbols; andhaving made them swear in the forementioned manner, you shall call in similar fashion Asmodee and Magot, with their Servitors, and shall make them take oath upon their Signs in the aforesaid manner.

And thus shall you observe this method with the Four other Sub-Princes; but first of all convoke them with their common Servitors, and make them swear upon the common Signs, then Amaimon and Ariton together, and finally each one apart, as in the first case.

And when you have put back all the Symbols into their proper place, request from each of these last Four your Familiar Spirit, and make them repeat its Name, which you shall at once write down, together with the time during which they shall be obliged to serve you. Then you shall propound unto them the Signs of the Fifth Chapter of the Third Book; and shall make them not only swear upon these Symbols (collectively), but also each one (separately), that from this time forward he will observe duly and with diligence the six hours destined; and you shall cause them to promise to serve you with fidelity, performing all which they are obliged to do, and that you shall command their (services); and that they shall not in the slightest degree be false and lying as regardeth you; also, that if by chance you should assign over one of them unto another person, that he shall act as faithfully by him by yourself; and, lastly, that they are to fulfil, perform, and execute, that which God for their Chastisement hath destined unto them for Sentence (of Judgment).

You shall then observe this form with all the Princes, and until:all the Symbols shall be sworn to, with the Four Familiar Spirits and the others dominating (them).


concerning the sending them away.

CONCERNING the sending away of the Spirits as well during the Three Days, as hereafter:

It is not necessary to observe many Ceremonies in order to send away the Spirits, because they themselves are only too glad to be far away from You. This is wherefore you need not otherwise license them to depart; that is to say that during the Three Days, having finished speaking with the Four Sovereign Princes, and afterwards with the Eight Sub-Princes, and received their Oath (of allegiance), you shall say unto them that for the present they can go unto their destined place; and that every time that they shall be summoned, let them remember their Oath made upon the Symbols. (And you shall send away) the Familiar Spirits and all other Spirits with the aforesaid words.

It is true, however, that as regardeth the Familiar Spirits you shall tell them that at the time when they are on guard-duty they shall remain near you visible or invisible, in whatever form shall please you, in order to serve you during the destined Six Hours.


what we should answer unto the interrogations of the

spirits, and how we should resist their demands.

THE Wicked Devil knoweth full well that you are in no way obliged unto him, and that you have commenced this Operation under the Grace and Mercy of God, and under the protection and defence of the Holy Angels; nevertheless, he will not fail to try his fortune, and he will seek to turn you aside from the Veritable Path; but be you constant and courageous, and swerve not in any way, either to the right hand or to the left. If he showeth himself proud with you, render unto him the like, and in your turn show him your pride. If he be humble, be in no wise too rude and severe toward him, but be moderate in all things. If he asketh you some matter, you shall make answer unto him according to the instruction which the Guardian Angel shall have given you; and understand that the Four Princes, more than all the rest, will powerfully tempt you, saying unto you "Who is he who hath given thee so great authority?" They will reproach you with your hardihood and presumption in summoning them, knowing how powerful they are, and contrariwise, how weak and sinful you yourself are. They will reproach you with your sins, and will especially seek to dispute with you concerning your religion and your faith in God: if you be a Jew they will tell you that your faith and your religion have been refuted by God Himself, and that you observe not the True Law as it should be (observed): also if you be a Pagan they will say, What hath God to do with you or His Creatures either, seeing that you know not God ? if you be a Christian they will say unto you, What business is it of yours to have to do with Hebrew Ceremonies which are tainted with idolatry, and the like ? But let none of this disquiet you in the least; answer them in few words, and laughingly, that it is none of their business to discuss these matters with you, and to deliver their opinions concerning them; and that although you may be a worthless wretch and a great sinner, you will yet hope that the True and Only God, Who hath created the Heaven and the Earth, and Who hath condemned them and brought them into submission under your feet, will forgive you your sins, both now and in future, whatever may be the religion which you profess. (Further that) you wish to know, understand, confess, and honour no other than the Great and Only God, the Lord of Light, by Whose Power, Virtue, and Authority you command them to obey you.

When you shall have spoken unto them thus, then will they sing another song, telling you that if you wish them to serve and to be obedient unto you, that you must first come to terms with them. Then shall you answer them on this wise:

"God our Lord hath condemned and sentenced you to serve me, and I do not treat as an equal with those who are accustomed to obey".

Then will they demand of you some sacrifice or courtesy if you wish to be served and obeyed promptly. You shall reply that sacrifice is not to be made unto them, but rather unto the only God.

They will then entreat you not to hinder or bring to shame by means of this Wisdom any of their Devotees and Enchanters in their operations and enchantments. You shall then make answer that you are obliged to pursue the Enemies of God and the Lord, and to repress their malice, and also to have and defend your neighbour, and any who are offended and hurt by them.

Then with much verbiage, and an infinitude of different ways will they make severe attacks upon you, and even the Familiar Spirits will rise up against you in their turn. These latter will demand and beseech of you that you will in no way give them over unto others (to serve them). Hold firm, however, and promise nothing either to one class (of Spirits) or another; but reply to them that every true and brave man is obliged to aid and serve his friends to the best of his ability, and with all his possessions, among the which they must assuredly also be comprised.

When at length they see that they have lost all hope of making you prevaricate, and that they can obtain nothing notwithstanding all their requests; they will definitely surrender, and will ask nothing else of you unless it be that you shall not be too rude and insulting in commanding them. You shall make answer to this, that if they prove themselves to be obedient and prompt in serving you, that it may be that your Angel, by whose instruction and command you are governing yourself, may instruct you not to be so rigid and severe with them if they shall obey, and that in such case you will act as may be right.


how he who operateth should behave as regardeth the


WE have already seen how one should constrain the Spirits, and what one should ask of them; also how to dismiss them without hurt, and how we should make answer unto their demands and presentments.

All that I am about to say unto you now is superfluous, because it is certain that any one who shall have observed with a true heart and firm resolution the advice which I have given regarding the Six Moons, will be instructed with so much thoroughness and clearness by his Guardian Angel, that no doubtful point will present itself which he will not be able easily to clear up of himself.

We have also already sufficiently shown how on every or any occasion, he who operateth should comport himself as regardeth the Spirits; that is to say as their Lord, and not as their Servitor. Yet in all matters there should be a reasonable mean, seeing that we are not treating with men, but with Spirits, of whom each one knoweth more than the whole Universe together.

Now if you shall make some demand unto a Spirit, and he shall refuse to execute it; first well and carefully examine and consider whether it be in the power and nature of the Spirit to whom you make such demand, to fulfil the same. For one Spirit knoweth not all things, and that which appertaineth unto the one, another knoweth not. For this reason, see that ye well take heed before endeavouring to force them to perform a matter. Yet if, however, the Inferior Spirits be disobedient, you shall call their Superiors, and remind them of the oaths which they have taken unto you, and of the chastisement which awaiteth the breaking of such vows.

And immediately, on beholding your steadfastness, they will obey you; but should they not, you ought then to invoke your Guardian Angel, whose chastisement they will quickly feel.

Yet, notwithstanding, we should never employ harsh means, in order to have that which we can obtain by gentleness and courtesy.

If during the Invocation they should appear with tumult and insolence, fear nothing; neither give way to anger; but appear to make no account thereof. Only show them the Consecrated Wand, and if they continue to make a disturbance, smite upon the Altar twice or thrice therewith, and all will be still.

It should be noted, that after you shall have licensed them to depart, and they shall have disappeared, you shall take the Censer from the top of the Altar, and having put perfume therein, take it out of the Oratory on to the Terrace whereon the Spirits shall have appeared, and you shall perfume the place all round; for otherwise the Spirits might work some evil unto persons entering by chance therein.

Now should you be willing to content yourself with the Symbols which be in the Third Book here following; you shall the day after take away all the Sand from the Terrace and cast it into a secret place; but above all things take care not to throw it either into a river or into the navigable sea.

But should you desire to procure for yourself various other Symbols and Secrets, leave the Sand and all things in place, as we shall also describe more particularly in the last chapter.

Also, should you wish it, you can retain your arrangements in place, and keep the Apartment of the Oratory proper and clean, as well as the Altar; which latter you may place in a corner, should it incommode you in the centre of the room. For in this Apartment, if it be not contaminated nor profaned, you may every Saturday enjoy the presence of your Guardian Angel; the which is one of the most sublime things which you can desire in this Sacred Art.


a descriptive list of the names of the spirits whom we may

summon to obtain that which we desire.

WILL here give a very exact description of many Spirits, the which (names) either altogether or in part, or else as many of them as you may wish, you should give written upon paper unto the Eight SubPrinces, on the Second Day of the Conjuration. Now all these (Spirits) be those who will appear on the Third Day, together with their Princes. And these (Spirits) be not vile, base, and common, but of rank, industrious, and very prompt unto an infinitude of things. Now their Names have been manifested and discovered by the Angels, and if you should wish for more the Angel will augment them for you as far as you shall wish; seeing that their number is infinite.

The Four Princes and Superior Spirits be:


The Eight Sub-Princes be:



The Spirits common unto these Four Sub-Princes, namely:


Hosen saraph. Proxosos. Habhi.

Acuar. Tirana. Alluph. Nercamay.

Nilen. Morel. Traci. Enaia.

Mulach. Malutens. Iparkas. Nuditon.

Melna. Melhaer. Ruach. Apolhun.

Schabuach. Mermo. Melamud. Poter.

Sched. Ekdulon. Mantiens. Obedama.

Sachiel. Moschel. Pereuch. Deccal.

Asperim. Katini. Torfora. Badad.

Coelen. Chuschi. Tasma. Pachid.

Parek. Rachiar. Nogar. Adon.

Trapis. Nagid. Ethanim. Patid.

Pareht. Emphastison. Paraseh. Gerevil.

Elmis. Asmiel. Irminon. Asturel.

Nuthon. Lomiol. Imink. Plirok.

Tagnon. Parmatus. Iaresin. Gorilon.

Lirion. Plegit. Ogilen. Tarados.

Losimon. Ragaras. Igilon. Gosegas.

Astrega. Parusur. Igis. Aherom.

Igarak. Geloma. Kilik. Remoron.

Ekalike. Isekel. Elzegan. Ipakol.

Haril. Kadolon. Iogion. Zaragil.

Irroron. Ilagas. Balalos. Oroia.

Lagasuf. Alagas. Alpas. Soterion.

Romages. Promakos. Metafel. Darascon.

Kelen. Erenutes. Najin. Tulot.

Platien. Atloton. Afarorp. Morilen.

Ramaratz. Nogen. Molin.

(= 111 Spirits Servient.)

These be the Spirits common unto ASTAROT and ASMODEE, viz.:

Amaniel. Orinel. Timira. Dramas.

Amalin. Kirik. Bubana. Buk.

Raner. Semlin. Ambolin. Abutes.

Exteron, laboux. Corcaron. Ethan.

Ta re t. Da b l at. Bur i ul . Oman.

Carasch. Dimurgos. Roggiol. Loriol.

Isigi. Tioron. Darokin. Horanar.

Abahin. Goleg. Guagamon. Laginx.

Etaliz. Agei. Lemel. Udaman.

Bialot. Gagalos. Ragalim. Finaxos.

Akanef. Omages. Agrax. Sagares.

Afray. Ugales. Hermiala. Haligax.

Gugonix. Opilm. Daguler. Pachei.


(= 53 Spirits Servient.)

These be the Spirits common unto AMAIMON and ARITON,


Hauges. Agibol. Rigolen. Grasemin.

Elafon. Trisaga. Gagalin. Cleraca.

Elaton. Pafesla.

(= 10 Spirits Servient.)

These be the Spirits in common between ASMODEE and MAGOT, viz.:

Toun. Magog. Diopos. Disolel.

Biriel. Sifon. Kele. Magiros.

Sartabakim. Lundo. Sobe. Inokos.

Mabakiel. Apot. Opun.

(= 15 Spirits Servient.)

The following be those of ASTAROT, viz.:

Aman. Camal. Toxai. Kataron.

Rax. Gonogin. Schelagon. Ginar.

Isiamon. Bahal. Darek. Ischigas.

Golen. Gromenis. Rigios. Nimerix.

Herg. Argilon. Okiri. Fagani.

Hipolos. Ileson. Camonix. Bafamal.

Alan. Apormenos. Ombalat. Quartas.

Ugirpen. Araex. Lepaca. Kolofe.

(= 32 Spirits Servient.)

These be those of MAGOT and KORE, viz.:

Nacheran. Katolin. Luesaf. Masaub.

Urigo. Faturab, fersebus. Baruel.

Ubarin. Butarab. Ischiron. Odax.

Roler. Arotor. Hemis. Arpiron.

Arrabin. Supipas. Forteson. Dulid.

Sorriolenen. Megalak. Anagotos. Sikastin.

Petunof Mantan. Meklboc. Tigrafon.

Tagora. Debam. Tiraim. Irix.

Madail. Abagiron. Pandoli. Nenisem.

Cobel. Sobel. Laboneton. Arioth.

Marag. Kamusil. Kaitar. Scharak.

Maisadul. Agilas. Kolam. Kiligil.

Corodon. Hepogon. Daglas. Hagion.

Egakireh. Paramor. Olisermon. Rimog.

Horminos. Hagog. Mimosa. Amchison.

Ilarax. Makalos. Locater. Colvam.


(65 Spirits Servient.)

Those of ASMODEE be:

Onei. Ormion. Preches. Maggid.

Sclavak. Mebbesser. Bacaron. Holba.

Hifarion. Gilarion. Eniuri. Abadir.

Sbarionat. Utifa. Omet. Sarra.

(= 16 Spirits Servient.)

These be those of BELZEBUD, viz.:

Alcanor. Amatia. Bilifares. Lamarion.

Diralisen. Licanen. Dimirag. Elponen.

Ergamen. Gotifan. Nimorup. Carelena.

Lamalon. Igurim. Akium. Dorak.

Tachan. Ikonok. Kemal. Bilico.

Tromes. Balfori. Arolen, lirochi.

Nominon. Iamai. Arogor. Holastri.

Hacamuli. Samalo. Plison. Raderaf.

Borol. Sorosma. Corilon. Gramon.

Magalast. Zagalo. Pellipis. Natalis.

Namiros. Adirael. Kabada. Kipokis.

Orgosil. Arcon. Ambolon. Lamolon.


(= 49 Spirits Servient.)

These be of ORIENS, viz.:

Sarisel. Gasarons. sorosma. Turitel.

Balaken. Gagison. Mafalac. Agab.

(= 8 Spirits Servient.)

These be of PAIMON, viz.:

Aglafos. Agafali. Dison. Achaniel.

Sudoron. Kabersa. Ebaron. Zalanes.

Ugola. Came. Roffles. Menolik.

Tacaros. Astolit. Rukum.

(= 15 Spirits Servient.)


These be of ARITON, viz.:

Anader. Eikorok. Sibolas. Saris.

Sekabin. Caromos. Rosaran. Sapason.

Notiser. Flaxon. Harombrub. Megalosin.

Miliom. Ilemlis. Galak. Androcos.

Maranton. Caron. Reginon. Elerion.

Sermeot. Irmenos.

(= 22 Spirits Servient.)

These be those of AMAIMON, VIZ.

Romeroc. Ramison. Scrilis. Buriol.

Taralim. Burasen. Akesoli. Erekia.

Illirikim. Labisi. Akoros. Mames.

Glesi. Vision. Effrigis. Apelki.

Dalep. Dresop. Hergotis. Nilima.

(= 20 Spirits Servient.)


Oriens, Paimon, Ariton, Amaymon 111

Ashtaroth and Asmodeus - 53

Amaymon and Ariton- 10

Asmodeus and Magoth- 15

Ashtaroth 32

Magoth and Koré 65

Asmodeus 16

Beelzebub 49

Oriens 8

Paymon 15

Ariton 22

Amaymon 20

Total of Names of Servient Spirits 316

Infinite be the Spirits which I could have here set down, but in order not to make any confusion, I have thought fit to put only those whom I have myself employed, and whom I have found good and faithful in all the Operations wherein I have availed myself of them.

Also it is true that he who shall perform this Operation will be able thereafter, according to his need, to obtain (the names of ) more.

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